Co-sponsored by the Vice President’s Office of Virginia Tech, the Vice President’s Office of George Mason University, the NSF-sponsored Spatiotemporal Innovation Center (STC), the Spatial Data Lab project (SDL), the Future Data Lab, and the Journal of Urban Informatics, this symposium aims to promote replicable and expandable spatiotemporal data science with new methodology and innovative technology. The symposium will discuss open data sources, advanced methodology, and cutting-edge technology with a focus on spatiotemporal data sciences.
The symposium will feature plenary speakers, parallel sessions, and posters. The program will include onsite and online sessions. The organization committee plans to select a group of high-quality papers presented at the symposium and recommend them for publishing in a special issue at the Journal of Urban Informatics. Papers submitted for consideration of the special issue still need to go through a regular review process. This symposium will offer an excellent opportunity for participants to network, collaborate, and learn about recent developments in spatiotemporal data science.
Date: Tue – Wed, Jul 23 to Jul 24, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Virginia Tech Research Center – Arlington & George Mason University – Mason Square
Topics (not limited to):
- New Technology for Reproducible and Replicable Spatiotemporal Data Analysis
- Open Data Access, Integration, and Online Data Sharing and Visualization
- Advances in Geospatial Technology
- GeoAI for Socioeconomic Data Analysis
- GeoAI for Environmental Data Analysis
- GeoAI for Remote Sensing Data Analysis
- GeoAI for Business Data Analysis
- GeoAI for Social Media and Big Data Analysis
- GeoAI for Healthcare Data Analysis
- Curriculum Development for Spatiotemporal Science Labs
- The Ethnics, Privacy, and Other Social Issues of GeoAI
Watch the video for last years’ symposium on Youtube